Dienstag, 21. Juni 2011

The executive coloring book

The executive coloring book. Scan von A hole in the head.

Ein Malbuch für leitende Angestellte aus dem Jahre 1961. Es steckt voller bissiger Bemerkungen über das liebe Arbeitsleben. Wiedergefunden wurde dieses Buch von Johnny C., die komplette eingescannte Version gibt es auf seinem Blog 'A hole in the head'. Falls Du es nicht findest, das war Teil 1 - hier ist Teil 2.

"Copyrighted 1961, this book is extraordinarily smart and witty. The early 60's showed the strain on an America post-war populations that were struggling with the idea that they fought for freedom only to be forced to live in glass buildings and conform to the 'status quo'. It was the age of The Apartment and The Sweet Smell of Success; and it was Marcie Hans, Dennis Altman, and Martin A. Cohen's brilliant idea to put these ideas into the most universal of all mediums, the coloring book. I don't know how many of these copies survived so I'm glad I can preserve this in cyberspace. I give you part one of "The Executive Coloring Book" "

Geesehen bei Dangerous Minds

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