Samstag, 28. Januar 2012

Anonymous Bandana Remix Pack

Designer Matthaw Borgattis hatte vor kurzem ein Tuch mit der von Anonymous benutzten Guy Fawkes - Maske bedruckt und bei Etsy verkauft. Nun gibt es das Artwork dieses Bandanas als "Remix Pack" zum herunterladen. Eine Vorlage für ein Anonymous - Stencil ist  unter anderem auch dabei.

Dem Remix Pack liegt auch eine Art "Gebrauchsanweisung" bei:

» Do not speak with officers. Keep your mouth shut, comply, and request to speak with a lawyer. DO NOT RESIST ARREST. DO NOT CONSENT TO SEARCH.
» ACLU (212) 607-3300
» NLG (212) 679-5100
» Fold bandana in half horizontally to use as half-face mask. Measure against face and cut eye holes to use as full-face mask. Soak in vinegar and wear over mouth as an improvised defense against pepper spray and tear gas.
» HELP YOUR FELLOW ANONS. If you see someone down check for breathing or neck/back injuries. If they can get up on their own help them up. DO NOT DRAG SOMEONE WITH A BACK INJURY TO THEIR FEET.
» Turn off location services on mobile devices while tweeting, posting updates, or uploading photos.
» Carry only an ID, cash, emergency medical info, and important phone numbers in your wallet.
» Contact people to let them know where you'll be and what to do if you cannot get back in touch.
» Record all interactions with officers. Have friends around to ditch data with.
» Remain calm: Do not incite, fight, or push. Public sentiment will favor the peaceful.
» Do not wear contact lenses. They trap pepper spray. Not fun.
» Cover up. Pepper spray isn't just for your eyes.
» Remove piercings and jewelry. Your nipples will thank you.

DISCLAIMER: All advice offered on this bandana should not be construed as legal council. Consult a lawyer in the event of any involvement with the law. If you cite a bandana as your legal council in court you will be laughed at by a man in a wig.

We are ANONYMOUS. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.
Nerdcore - Anonymous Bandana
Nerdcore - Anonymous Bandana-Mask Remix Kit
Coilhouse - Matthew Borgatti's OWS Bandanna Remix Pack
Hackschnitzel - You are anonymous (Download Guy Fawkes - Maske)
Hackschnitzel - V for Vendetta
Hackschnitzel - Anonymous QR

Download 6 Guy Fawkes Masks - You-are-anonymous

Gesehen bei Nerdcore

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