Mittwoch, 4. April 2012

Natalie Jeremijenko - Butterfly Bridge

Foto von TackyJulie.

Natalie Jeremijenko’s "Butterfly Bridge", Washington DC, District of Columbia (USA), 2012.

Der D.O.C. hat zum Tag des Nationalen Kirschblütenfestivals (WTF?) 25 Street Art - Installationen in der Stadt zugelassen, die noch bis April zu sehen sind.

"The DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities (DCCAH) is sponsoring a temporary public arts project around the city of Washington. I can't quite understand the purpose of the project, and I found the website confusing and difficult to use. Still, I'm glad that I got to see one of the works that is located closest to me: a bridge of flowers that goes over Piney Branch Road that butterflies and bees can use for nectar."
The Art Around Us - Butterfly Bridge

Gesehen bei Novarouge

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